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Father's Day...

I love father's day. Being able to still celebrate my dad here with me is such a gift. Life moves so fast and having a designated day to acknowledge, reflect and appreciate his greatness and impact in my life is something I look forward to. The relationship with my dad is equally important as my relationship with my mother and yet, it's an entirely different one. A father's love adds greatly to his children's lives. My dad's influence in my life has helped shape who I am today, the husband I chose, the parent I am and grandparent I hope to be someday.

My dad is...

My dad is a quiet man, a listener. He's humble and kind and displays his heart to every person he meets, animal he encounters and grandchild he's kissed. He shines the most behind the scenes, where he lifts up other's over himself. He has modeled integrity and grace my entire life, all while leading his family through good times and bad. He is a giver of his time and is always willing to do what is needed for others. He cares. He's a believer of God and loves his family with his whole heart.

The qualities my dad possesses are things I truly admire and hope to eventually master someday . The result of his presence growing up and now as an adult, has had positive impacts in my life. I realize not everyone can say that and I'm one of the lucky ones.

My children have also been fortunate enough to have him in their lives in addition to their own incredible dad. He makes a difference in the lives he touches. These differences may not have boasted scientific breakthroughs or huge financial success but rather a constant feeling of love and security that left me with the knowledge that, I mattered. He did and still does, support and love me unconditionally.

The magnitude of dad's role in a child's life is unmeasurable and has the ability to create an incredible legacy. My dad's legacy spotlights integrity, honor, kindness and love.

My dad and I have a special bond. He treated me with respect and cared enough to show me how I should be treated and how to treat others. He modeled the importance of being honored, protected, defended, uplifted and loved by his relationship with my mother. Because of his ways, I was fortunate to find another great man that would model those same qualities and practices to my own children. A gift that keeps on giving.

My dad is not a perfect man. The greatness I see in him comes from his continued efforts and sacrifice for his family. And, as each year passes, father's day will always be a good reminder of how God has blessed me and my family with a man that I am lucky enough to calI dad.

Happy Father's Day.


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