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Avocado Toast w/ Poached Egg

I love anything that involves an avocado! Avocado toast with a poached egg, like the one in the photo above, is probably one of my all time favorite breakfasts. I actually took that photo before serving it to my daughter the other day. We all love it, with the exception of my youngest son. My friends also love it and we are always sharing meal ideas when and how we can incorporate it into our family menus. Some of my other favorite things involving avocados are desserts. Chocolate avocado cookies are delicious! There are various recipes out there, but they're all pretty simple and the one I use has only 8 ingredients. They are good and healthy, 2 of my favorite combinations! YUM!

I try to eat healthy as much as I can. It definitely requires a lot of intentional effort on my part because the temptations for unhealthy foods are everywhere. Keeping my diet mostly plant based and alkaline is also important to me, however that's not always easy when your feeding 5 other people in the same household. Everyone has different likes and dislikes, and non of us our full-on vegetarians (some day I hope to get there, but right now I still love an occasional slice of bacon!). Because of that, I try to incorporate more GREEN foods to balance out the other. I also use a greens powder called GET OFF YOUR ACID! What I love about it is that you can add it to anything to get the added greens needed for the day, and it helps to alkalize what I'm putting in my mouth. Now that's not to say you can sprinkle it on a double cheeseburger or bowl of ice cream! Although...

Wouldn't it be awesome if the alkamind daily green powder transformed a burger into the equivalency of a kale salad? (I'm just daydreaming now!)

In the real world, I have to be honest and realistic with myself and my family regarding food. We will not always eat perfectly, and I do love to bake. So at times, I will, in fact, fall off the "perfect food wagon." However, being intentional about making healthy choices with the groceries I buy or what I'm ordering out, makes those indulgences, a nice treat in addition to a constantly healthy diet.

Trying an avocado if you've never had one, or something else that's green this week, may pleasantly surprise you and your tastebuds! And until I can figure out how to transform bad food into good ones, continue to meet me back here each week to see what other green goodies I find! And please feel free to subscribe below if you would like the chocolate avocado cookie recipe or others!

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